Call for proposals targeting Strategic Research Areas (SRAs): Seed funding for emerging research topics
Application deadline is 13 September 2024.
– Published 5 March 2024
Aim and targeted outcomes
Lund University has decided to support the development of new research opportunities for the University’s Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) by allocating 6 MSEK for a call for seed funding of projects for emerging research topics.
We now invite applications for seed funding with deadline 13 September 2024.
Target group for this call is Principal Investigators (PI) from the SRAs at Lund University.
The aim of the seed funding is to stimulate and accelerate collaborative inter-SRA projects that may lead to new multidisciplinary and strategic directions. The projects should address questions of strategic importance and be enabled by new collaborations between SRAs, for example by leveraging capabilities developed in one SRA to address breakthrough problems identified by another. A desired outcome is the creation of new collaborations with the potential to lead to major, joint projects, for example by developing preliminary results for major proposals. Projects with the aim to develop cooperation with partners outside the university, such as industry, can also be proposed for seed funding. It is possible to apply for money for new or existing research infrastructure, including support staff, within a collaboration.
Evaluation process
- The chair of the SRA Collegium is responsible for the application and assessment process.
- Proposals are pre-ranked by an independent assessment group of experts from LU appointed by the chair of the SRA Collegium.
- Decision on projects for suggested funding is taken by the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, campus development and sustainability based on the pre-ranking.
- The Vice-Chancellor decides on the allocation of funds to the main applicants for the proposed projects suggested for funding.
Ranking criteria
- New collaborations are prioritized.
- How the project relates to the strategic plans of the involved SRAs.
- What is to be achieved within the time frame of the project.
- How the results of the project will be used to create new directions (e.g., a major proposal).
- The level of the PIs’ commitment to the project by allocating also their own resources in a clearly described manner (can be in-kinds).
- How the SRAs will strategically support the targeted new research direction as described in their support letters (see below Outline of the proposal).
General conditions
- The call invites teams of typically 3-4 (at least 2) PIs from at least two different SRAs to submit proposals. One of the PIs will serve as the main applicant.
- Projects will be awarded up to 2 MSEK each to be spent over a period of two years.
- The projects should start by 30 June 2025.
- If a project is planned to run for longer than two years, the SRAs need to budget accordingly and guarantee funding for the remaining project period.
- The main applicant is awarded the funds when the project has been approved by the Vice-Chancellor.
- The main applicant is responsible for the management of the approved funds and the final reporting of the project (to be sent to the SRA Collegium by 30 September 2027).
- The funds can be passed on to the other PIs in accordance with the project's budget.
- The funds must cover both direct and indirect costs (overhead, rent).
- The funds cannot be used to cover indirect costs for other projects.
Outline of the proposal
- Title of the application
- Name of the main responsible SRA with name, title, e-mail, telephone number, and cost center for the main applicant PI.
- List of other involved SRAs and any external partners with name, title, e-mail, and telephone for co-applicant PIs.
- Description of the project with overall aims, including the novelty concerning emerging research topics, multidisciplinary collaboration, and strategic directions.
- An outline of expected outcomes and future opportunities, for example how the project can lead to a major proposal and novel or extended cooperation with university external organisations.
- A clear timeline for the project, with start and end date including time for possible recruitment.
- Budget and financial plan for the project in line with the project requirements, including support from involved SRAs and possible contributions from the PIs, and motivation for the different cost items. Please use the budget template below in appendix.
- The application has a maximum of 3 pages excluding budget and references.
- The application is written in English.
- Support letters from the LU coordinators of each involved SRA must be attached to the application. These letters must describe how the SRAs will strategically support the targeted new research direction.
Questions are directed to:
- Melvyn B Davies,
- Magnus Ullner,
Deadline and submission of proposals
Proposals are sent digitally to the secretary of the SRA Collegium, Pernille Andersson,, no later than 13 September 2024.
Budget template
Budget posts (amounts in kSEK)
- Salaries, incl. social security charges and holiday pay (LKP in Swedish):
- Travel expenses:
- Other direct costs:
- Equipment:
- Consulting services:
- Sum of direct costs:
- Indirect costs:
- Total cost:
Funding (amounts in kSEK)
- Amount applied for:
- Possible other funding (not required):
- Total funding:
Document for download
The above information is also available as a PDF document (364 kB, new tab).