First Call for papers: CALD-pseudo workshop on Computational Approaches to Language Data Pseudonymization
Submission Deadline: Monday 18 December 2023
– Published 25 October 2023
Submissions are invited to the first edition of the CALD-pseudo workshop on Computational Approaches to Language Data Pseudonymization, to be held at EACL 2024 on March 21 or 22, 2024.
EACL 2024, the 18th Conference of the European Chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics, will be held in St. Julians, Malta 17-22 March 2024.
Important Dates
- December 18, 2023: paper submission deadline
- January 17, 2024: resubmission of already pre-reviewed ARR papers
- January 20, 2024: notification of acceptance
- January, 30 2024: camera-ready papers due
- March 21 or 22, 2024: workshop date (the date to be confirmed by the EACL)
Accessibility of research data is critical for advances in many research fields, but textual data often cannot be shared due to the personal and sensitive information which it contains, e.g names, political opinions, sensitive personal information and medical data. General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR (EU Commission, 2016), suggests pseudonymization as a solution to secure open access to research data but we need to learn more about pseudonymization as an approach before adopting it for manipulation of research data (Volodina et al., 2023). The main challenge is how to effectively pseudonymize data so that individuals cannot be identified, while at the same time keeping the data usable for research in, among others, computational linguistics, linguistics and natural language processing, for which it was collected.
Topics of Interest
CALD-pseudo workshop invites a broad community of researchers in all concerned cross-disciplinary fields to jointly discuss challenges within pseudonymization, such as
- automatic approaches to detection and labelling of personal information in unstructured language data, including events and other context-dependent cues revealing a person;
- developing context-sensitive algorithms for replacement of personal information in unstructured data;
- studies into the effects of pseudonymization on unstructured data, e.g. applicability of pseudonymised data for the intended research questions, readability of pseudonymised data or addition of unwelcome biases through pseudonymization;
- effectiveness of pseudonymization as a way of protecting writer identity;
reidentification studies; e.g. adversarial learning techniques that attempt to breach the privacy protections of pseudonymized data;
- constructing datasets for automatic pseudonymization, including methodological and ethical aspects of those;
- approaches to the evaluation of automatic pseudonymization both in concealing the private information and preserving the semantics of the non-personal data;
- pseudonymization tools and software: evaluating the available tools and software for pseudonymization in different languages, and their ease of use, scalability, and performance;
- and numerous other open questions.
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit by December 18, 2023 original and unpublished research papers in the following categories:
- Full papers (up to 8 pages) for substantial contributions
- Short papers (up to 4 pages) for ongoing or preliminary work
All submissions must be in PDF format, follow the EACL 2024 guidelines described in the ARR CfP, and use the official ACL style templates (see links below)
Direct submission deadline: December 18, 2023 via the link given below
Deadline for registration of ARR reviewed papers: January 17, 2023. (Further instructions will follow.)
We also invite authors of papers on the topics of the workshop accepted to Findings to reach out to the organizing committee of CALD-pseudo to present them at the workshop.
Invited speakers
We are happy to announce that the workshop will host two invited speakers:
Anders Søgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ildikó Pilán, the Norwegian Computing Center, Norway
Workshop Organizers
- Elena Volodina, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Therese Lindström Tiedemann, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Simon Dobnik, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Xuan-Son Vu, Umeå university, Sweden
Program Committee
A list of program committee members is available on the workshop website.
- CALD-pseudo website (GitHub)
- CALD-pseudo submission website (SoftCon)
- Formatting guidelines (ACL Rolling Review)
- ACL style templates (GitHub)
- ACL link to the call
- EACL 2024 website
For inquiries, please contact