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AI Lund lunch seminar: Prototype Softmax Cross Entropy: A New Perspective on Softmax Cross Entropy

From: 2023-06-14 12:00 to 13:15 Seminarium

Topic: Prototype Softmax Cross Entropy: A New Perspective on Softmax Cross Entropy

When: 14 June at 12.00-13.15

Speaker: Proff. Nicola Wolpert, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart 

Moderator: Maria Priisalu, PhD Student, Mathematics, Lund University

Where: Online - link by registration

Spoken language: English


In the talk we consider supervised learning for image classification. Inspired by recent results in the field of supervised contrastive learning, we focus on the loss function for the feature encoder. We show that Softmax Cross Entropy (SCE) can be interpreted as a special kind of loss function in contrastive learning with prototypes. This insight provides a completely new perspective on cross entropy, allowing the derivation of a new generalized loss function, called Prototype Softmax Cross Entropy (PSCE), for use in supervised contrastive learning.

We prove both mathematically and experimentally that PSCE is superior to other loss functions in supervised contrastive learning. It only uses fixed prototypes, so no self-organizing part of contrastive learning is required, eliminating the memory bottleneck of previous solutions in supervised contrastive learning. PSCE can also be used equally successfully for both balanced and unbalanced data.

The talk is barsed on a paper that got best paper award at Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 2023?


To participate is free of charge, but please sign up at and we will send you a link for access at the zoom-platform.

Om händelsen
From: 2023-06-14 12:00 to 13:15

Online - link by registration

Jonas [dot] Wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se

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