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Courses by subject

Note that the LTH courses are listed according to which programme board has approved the course syllabus, which means that they are not always listed under the "true" subject, although some LTH courses are instead listed under a Lubas subject, such as the courses in Mathematical Statistics approved by the programme board of Industrial Engineering and Management. When it has been clear that the same course is delivered with different course codes at different faculties, both codes are given with each code linking to the syllabus of the corresponding faculty. If the same course has different names associated with the different codes, it is listed once for each name with a link only to that syllabus. There are probably more courses than the ones noted here that have code sharing.

The list only contains specific undergraduate courses and not, for example, course codes corresponding to master's theses or very open projects.

The courses have been classified by the estimated amount of e-science content according to

  • Central: > 80 %
  • Partial large: 50-80 %
  • Partial small: 20-50 %
  • Peripheral: < 20 %
  • Uncertain: More information is needed to perform the classification

A course in a specific discipline, such as physics or chemistry, normally also teach the basic science and therefore would often get "Partial large" rather than "Central", even if the course heavily features computational methods, while a course in Numerical Analysis is usually geared towards the computational techniques, even if it also contains basic mathematical theory, and would therefore have the e-science content deemed "Central". The classification is only a rough estimate and not as absolute as the limits above might indicate.

Page Manager: | 2023-01-24