List in English
Course codes are links to either course pages in Lubas or syllabi at LTH.
- ARKN09: Digital Archaeology, GIS in Archaeology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- ARKN10: Digital Archaeology, Virtual Reality in Archaeology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- ASTM22: Computational Astrophysics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BINP11: Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BINP16: Programming in Python (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BINP28: DNA Sequencing Informatics I (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BINP29: DNA Sequencing Informatics II (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOS13: Modelling Biological Systems (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- EEMN10: Computerised Measurement Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VSMN20: Software Development for Technical Applications (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VSMN25: The Finite Element Method - Flow Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VSMN30: The Finite Element Method - Structural Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTQ40: Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN60: Real-Time Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN65: Modelling and Learning from Data (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTG11: Biological Modelling (4 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VBRN85: Advanced CFD (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- GISN04: Open Source GIS (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN06: Geographical Databases (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN09: Internet GIS (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN24: Python Programming in GIS (5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN26: GIS and Distributed Hydrological Modelling (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MION40: Simulation of Industrial Processes and Logistic Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- INFC20: Advanced Database Systems (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFC55: Web Development (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- SYSA21: Introduction to Information Systems (30 hp, First cycle)
- INFN50: Business Decision Management (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- SYSB13: IS and Business Development (30 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA01: Programming - Second Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA10: Computer Programming in Java (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA20: Programming and Databases (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA30: Programming in Java - Second Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA45: Introduction to Programming (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA50: Programming, First Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA55: Programming, First Course (9 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA65: Programming, First Course (6 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA70: Introduction to Programming Using Python (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAF20: Database Technology (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF25: Object-oriented Modelling and Design (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF30: Programming in C++ (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF50: C++ Programming (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF75: Database Technology (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF80: Computer Graphics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF95: Basics of Functional Programming (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAG01: Efficient C (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAG05: Agile Software Development - Project (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAN01: Constraint Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN26: Multicore Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN35: High Performance Computer Graphics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN40: Functional Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN95: Applied Machine Learning (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP01: Artificial Intelligence (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP10: Concurrent Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP20: Intelligent Autonomous Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP25: Distributed Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN95: Simulation (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETSA03: Software Engineering - Methodology (6 hp, First cycle)
- TFRD48: Introduction to Programming (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TFRD49: Programming - Second Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TFRD55: Introduction to Programming Using Python (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TFRG65: Programming and Databases (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TFRG70: Efficient C (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- TFRP20: Artificial Intelligence (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMSN20/MASM25: Spatial Statistics with Image Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN30/MASM22: Linear and Logistic Regression (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN35: Stationary and Non-stationary Spectral Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMSN40: Linear and Logistic Regression with Data Gathering (9 hp, Second cycle)
- FMSN45/MASM17: Time Series Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN50/MASM11: Monte Carlo Methods for Statistical Inference (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FHLN05: Computational Inelasticity (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMTN35: Applied FEM - Project (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMVN05: Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MVKN70: Advanced Methods within Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNF05: Numerical Analysis (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMNF10: Numerical Analysis (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMNF15: Scientific Computing (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMNN01: Numerical Linear Algebra (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNN05: Simulation Tools (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNN10: Numerical Methods for Differential Equations (8 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNN25: Advanced Course in Numerical Algorithms with Python/SciPy (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNN30: Iterative Solution of Large Scale Systems in Scientific Computing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- NUMA01: Computational Programming with Python (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- NUMB11: Numerical Linear Algebra (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- NUMN20: Numerical Methods for Differential Equations (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN21: Advanced Course in Numerical Algorithms with Python/SciPy (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN24: Finite Volume Methods (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN26: Simulation Tools (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN27: Seminar (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN02: Ecosystem Modeling (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN12: Geographical Databases (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN13: Programming for Applications in Geomatics, Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN06: Algorithms in Geographical Information Systems (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN07: Web GIS (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MNXB01: Introduction to Programming and Computing for Scientists (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- STAE02: Bayesian Methods (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- STAE03: Business Analytics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- STAN45: Data Mining and Visualization (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- STAN47: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Methods (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- EXTG20: Geographic Information Technology - Introduction (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTN70: Geographical Databases (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTP40: GIT Project with Python Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Archaeology and Ancient History
Biomedical Engineering
Biotechnology / Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Engineering Physics / Engineering Mathematics
Environmental Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering / Risk Management
Industrial Engineering and Management
Information Systems
Information and Communication Engineering / Computer Science and Engineering
Mathematical Statistics
Mechanical Engineering
Numerical Analysis
Physical Geography
Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis
Theoretical Physics
Partial large
- ASTM13: Dynamical Astronomy (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BMEA05: Signals and Systems (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- KEMM30: Molecular Driving Forces and Chemical Bonding (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM48: Statistical Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM58: Molecular Quantum Mechanics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- VSMN10: Structural Dynamic Computing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- KOGP05: Neuro Modelling, Cognitive Robotics and Agents (7.5 hp, Master's level courses)
- NEKN82: Empirical Finance (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKN83: Financial Valuation and Risk Management (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- EIEN35: Automation for Complex Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEN50: Automation (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN21: Project in Wireless Communication (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN65: Measurement and Modeling of the Central Nervous System Function (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTF01: Physiological Models and Computations (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTF20: Applied Robotics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTF25: Introduction to Machine Learning, Systems and Control (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTN45: Mathematical Modelling, Advanced Course (4.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN50: Optimization for Learning (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ENGM17: Corpus Linguistics - Tools, Methods and Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- EXTQ20: Biological Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRN16: Simulation of Fires in Enclosures (5 hp, Second cycle)
- GISA22: Geographical Information Systems - Advanced Course (15 hp, First Cycle)
- GISN07: GIS and Algorithms (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN22: GIS and Climate Change (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN25: Spatial Data Infrastructure (5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GEOP06: Hydrogeology (15 hp, Master's level courses)
- SGEG16: GIS in Social Sciences - Basic Level (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- TFRD30: Apps, Pictures and e-Tools in Healthcare, Schools and Social Services (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- MIOF30: Operations Research - Basic Course (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- INFA40: Digitalisation and AI from an Organisational and Societal Perspective (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- INFA44: Introduction to E-health (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFC25: Human - Computer Interaction, Analysis (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFC35: Decision Support Systems (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFN45: Business Intelligence (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- INFN65: Business and Artificial Intelligence (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- SYSA14: IT Architecture and Software Systems (30 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA60: Computer Introduction (3 hp, First cycle)
- EDAF05: Algorithms, Data Structures and Complexity (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF35: Operating Systems (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF45: Software Development in Teams - Project (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF60: Object-oriented Modelling and Design (4.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAN10: Configuration Management (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN15: Design of Embedded Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN20: Language Technology (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN65: Compilers (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN75: Optimising Compilers (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP05: Concepts of Programming Languages (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP15: Program Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITP20: Secure Systems Engineering (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITP25: Memory Technology for Machine Learning (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETSF20: Software Development for Large Projects (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MAMN10: Interaction 1: Neuro Modelling, Cognitive Robotics and Agents (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMSF60: Statistical Methods for Safety Analysis (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSN15/MASM23: Statistical Modelling of Multivariate Extreme Values (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN25/MASM24: Valuation of Derivative Assets (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN55/MASM15: Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMAF35: Linear and Combinatorial Optimization (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMAN20: Image Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMAN60: Optimization (6 hp, Second cycle)
- MATC20: Image Analysis (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MATC51: Optimization (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MATM20: Mathematical Modeling (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FHLF01: Finite Element Method (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FHLF10: Finite Element Method and Introduction to Strength of Materials (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FHLF20: Finite Element Method (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FHLN20: Finite Element Method for Non-linear Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMKN46: Computer Based Engineering, Design Analysis 1 (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMKN51: Computer Based Engineering, Design Analysis 2 (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- NYGM16: Corpus Linguistics in Modern Greek (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN19: Numerical Approximation (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEA11: Geographical Information Systems - Basic Course (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEA12: Geographical Information Systems - Advanced Course (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEN01: Climate Change and its Impacts on the Environment (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEA07: Theory and Methods of Physical Geography (15 hp, First Cycle)
- KOMC30: AI, Cognition and Culture (15 hp, First Cycle)
- EXTF80: Geographic Information Technology (12 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTG25: Geographic Information Technology - Advanced Course (15 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTG30: Geographic Information Technology - Basic Course (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTG75: GIS for Built and Natural Environments (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTN10: Web GIS (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTN75: Spatial Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTQ05: Algorithms in Geographical Information Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Biomedical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Cognitive Science
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Physics / Engineering Mathematics
Environmental Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering / Risk Management
Human Geography
Industrial Design
Industrial Engineering and Management
Information and Communication Engineering / Computer Science and Engineering
Mathematical Statistics
Mechanical Engineering
Modern Greek
Numerical Analysis
Physical Geography
Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis
Strategic Communication
Partial small
- AADA25: Digital Tools 6 (2 hp, First cycle)
- ASTM21: Statistical Tools in Astrophysics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOR49: Molecular Genetics of Eukaryotes (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOR67: Fisheries Ecology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOS14: Processing and Analysis of Biological Data (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BMEF25: Signal Processing - Theory and Applications (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- BMEN15: Signal Separation - Independent Components (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN60: Optimum and Adaptive Signal Processing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETIF20: E-health (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KFKF01: Molecular Driving Forces 2: Interactions and Dynamics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KFKN10: Biophysical Chemistry (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- KLGA01: Life Science Processes and Calculations (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- KLGN10: Chemometrics - Design of Experiments and Multivariate Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VVAN05: Urban Waters (15 hp, Second cycle)
- VVAN30: Urban Storm Water Management (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- KEMM23: Advanced Biochemistry (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM25: Structural Biochemistry (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM57: Magnetic Resonance - Spectroscopy and Imaging (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM77: Advanced Surface and Colloid Chemistry (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- MOBA02: Chemistry of the Cell (15 hp, First Cycle)
- AEBF20: Building Integrated Solar Energy Systems (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- AEBF25: Solar Heating Technology, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- AEBF30: Photovoltaic Systems, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VBFF15: Energy Conservation (8 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VTGN05: Groundwater Modelling and Contaminant Transport (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VTVN10: Traffic Simulation (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- NEKH81/EXTF35: Portfolio Selection (7.5 hp, First Cycle / First cycle, upper level)
- NEKH82/EXTF40: Option Theory (7.5 hp, First cycle / First cycle, upper level)
- NEKN31/EXTN05: Advanced Econometrics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle / Second cycle)
- NEKN33: Applied Microeconometrics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKN34: Time Series Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKN41: Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKP42: International Macroeconomic Theory (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- HUXD01: Digital Tools, Methods and Resources (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- EIEF20: Automation, Advanced Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EIEF40: Measurement Systems for Control (9 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EIEN15: Electric Power Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEN20: Design of Electrical Machines (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEN25: Power Electronics - Devices, Converters, Control and Applications (15 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEN45: Applied Mechatronics (10 hp, Second cycle)
- FMFF20: Mathematical Methods of Nanotechnology (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMFN15: Theory of Nuclear Structure (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTF10: Systems Engineering (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTN05: Non-Linear Control and Servo Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN25: Automatic Process Control (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN35: System Identification (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN40: Project in Automatic Control (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTG15: Biology, Introductory Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VVRN25: Pipe System Engineering and Hydraulics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRF10: Fire Dynamics (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VBRN05: Fire Dynamics - Advanced (9 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRN10: Human Behaviour in Fire (8 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRN75: Human Behaviour in Fire (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRAM14: Acquisition of French (7.5 hp, Master's level courses)
- GISA21: Geographical Information Systems - Introduction (15 hp, First Cycle)
- SGEG20: Geographical Information System for the Social Sciences - Introduction with Applications (30 hp, First cycle)
- SGEL64: GIS in Urban and Regional Planning - Level 1 (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EXTA60: Statistics (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EXTF35/NEKH81: Portfolio Selection (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level / First Cycle)
- EXTF40/NEKH82: Option Theory (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level / First cycle)
- EXTG65: Econometrics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTN05/NEKN31: Advanced Econometrics (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- EXTQ30: Economics, Empirical Finance (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MION01: Management of Production and Inventory Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- INFC65: Information Architecture (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFC60: IS Sourcing Strategies for Business Development (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFN60: Designing Digitalisation (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- EDAF85: Real-Time Systems (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF90: Web Programming (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EITF95: Queuing System (4.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EITN50: Advanced Computer Security (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETSN05: Software Development for Large Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETSN20: Software Testing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MAMN01: Advanced Interaction Design (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MAMN15: Interaction 2: Virtuality and Cognitive Modelling (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MAMN35: Risk Analysis Methods for Health and Environment (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- HARA33: Data Protection Law, Online Course (15 hp, First cycle)
- HARA35: Law and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- FMSF10/MASC04: Stationary Stochastic Processes (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level / First Cycle)
- FMSF15/MASC03: Markov Processes (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level / First Cycle)
- FMSF20: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF30: Mathematical Statistics (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF50: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF55: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF70: Mathematical Statistics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF75: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF80: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (9 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MASA02: Basic Course (15 hp, First Cycle)
- MASB02: Mathematical Statistics for Chemists (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- MASB03: Mathematical Statistics for Physicists (9 hp, First cycle)
- MASB11: Biostatistics - Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- MASC05: Design of Experiments (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- FMAB40: Mathematical Modelling (4 hp, First cycle)
- FMAN01: Biomathematics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMAN30: Medical Image Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMAN55: Applied Mathematics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMAN70: Matrix Theory (6 hp, Second cycle)
- MATB25: Discrete Mathematics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MATC70: Matrix Theory (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- FHLN01: Structural Optimization (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMEA30: Engineering Mechanics (15 hp, First cycle)
- FMEN02: Multibody Dynamics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMEN11: Mechanical Vibrations (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMKF25: Surface Modelling, Rendering and 3D (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MVKN01: Projecting Thermal Power Plants (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MVKN55: Advanced Combustion Engine Concepts (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MHIA25: Digital History - Media and Methods in Theory and Practice (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MEVN40: E-Health - A Way to Support Public Health (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMA41: Basic Course (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- SIMS40: AI in Society (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEA05: Remote Sensing and GIS with Focus on the Environment (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEN08: Satellite Remote Sensing (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN11: Spatial Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN14: Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN16: Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN17: Global Ecosystem Dynamics (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEA25: Dynamic Meteorology 2 (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- FYSB11: Basic Quantum Mechanics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- FYSC13: Solid State Physics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- FYST30: Quantum information (7.5 hp, Master's level courses)
- SIMM32: Quantitative Methods - Multivariate Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- STAH14: Time Series Analysis (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- VFTN75: Smart City Governance: AI Ethics in a Spatial Context (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Biomedical Engineering
Biotechnology / Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Editing and Transcribing Premodern Texts
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Nanoscience
Engineering Physics / Engineering Mathematics
Environmental Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering / Risk Management
Human Geography
Industrial Engineering and Management
Informatics/Computer and Systems Sciences
Information Systems
Information and Communication Engineering / Computer Science and Engineering
Law and Legal Studies
Mathematical Statistics
Mechanical Engineering
Media History
Medical Science
Numerical Analysis
Other Subjects within Social Science
Physical Geography
Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis
Social Sciences
- ARKN15: Field Archaeology in Theory and Practice (30 hp, Second Cycle)
- ABMA15: Physical and Digital Archives (15 hp, First cycle)
- ASTA33: Galaxies and Cosmology (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- BIOR41: Ecotoxicology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOR76: Plant Function (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOR79: Methods in Molecular Biology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOR83: Conservation Biology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- BMEN01: Biomedical Signal Processing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITA01: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (12 hp, First cycle)
- EXTP85: Quantitative Human Physiology (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- BLTF01: Unit Operations in the Biotech and Food Industry (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTG55: Biochemistry (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KBKF10: Course in Synthetic Biology (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KETA10: Chemical Process Calculations (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- KETF40: Mass Transfer Processes in Environmental Engineering (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KETN10: Applied Transport Phenomena (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- KFKA05: Molecular Driving Forces 1: Thermodynamics (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- KOKN01: Medicinal Chemistry (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- TFRP45: Medicinal Chemistry (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- KEMC03: Experimental Protein Chemistry (15 hp, First Cycle)
- AEBF10: Energy Use and Thermal Comfort in Buildings (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- AEBN10: Passive House - Integrating Thermal and Moisture Issues (15 hp, Second cycle)
- AEBN15: Energy-efficient Office Building - Integrating Daylight and Ventilation (15 hp, Second cycle)
- AEBN20: Public Building - Integrating Solar Energy, Costs and Environmental Issues (15 hp, Second cycle)
- VBEF45: Model Based Design (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VBFN01: Sustainable Building Technology (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VSMF05: Engineering Modelling: Analysis of Structures (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VSMN15: Integrated Design: Structural Design - Architectural Design (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VTTF10: Effects of Traffic: Accessibility, Level of Service, Safety and Environment (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VTTN10: Public Transport (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- KOGP09: Theories and Models in Cognitive science (7.5 hp, Master's level courses)
- NEKG11: Intermediate Course (30 hp, First cycle)
- NEKG31: Econometrics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- NEKG41: Macroeconomic Analysis (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- NEKG81: Fixed Income Securities (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- NEKN22: Economic and Financial Decision Making (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- EITF35: Introduction to Structured VLSI Design (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EITN80: Electrodynamics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN90: Radar and Remote Sensing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETEN10: Antenna Technology (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETIN30: Integrated Radio Electronics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETIN45: DSP-design (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTN90: Experimental Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTN95: Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FAFA10: Physics - Quantum Phenomena and Nanotechnology (9 hp, First cycle)
- FAFF40: Waves and Optics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FAFF45: Physics for Biomedicine (8 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FAFN35/FYST22: Medical Optics (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMFF15: Quantum Mechanics and Mathematical Methods (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTN30: Network Dynamics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMIN05: Environmental System Studies: Climate, Science and Politics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MVEN03: Methodology in Environmental Science (15 hp, Master's level courses)
- VBRN60: Fire Protection Systems (15 hp, Second cycle)
- GISN08: Digital Remote Sensing and GIS (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN11: GIS and Biodiversity (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN14: Geographical Information Systems and Physical Planning (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GEOB21: Evolution of Life and Earth's Climate (15 hp, First cycle)
- GEOB25: Geology in Society (15 hp, First cycle)
- GEOC08: Underground Pollution (15 hp, First cycle)
- TNSN01: Service Robotics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- INFN01: Research Methods (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- INFN25: IT, Innovation and Sustainability (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- INFN35: Human-Computer-Interaction - design (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- INFN40: Strategic Management and IS (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- EXTA65: Cognition (4.5 hp, First cycle)
- MAMF35: Human in Extreme Environments (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- LINC13: Perspectives on Segmental and Prosodic Phonology (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- FMAA20: Linear Algebra with Introduction to Computer Tools (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- FMAF01: Mathematics - Analytic Functions (7 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMAF05: Mathematics - Systems and Transforms (7 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MATB21: Analysis in Several Variables 1 (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MATC12: Ordinary Differential Equations 1 (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- ÄMAD01: Mathematics with Didactics 1 (30 hp, First cycle)
- ÄMAD03: Mathematics with Didactics 3 (15 hp, First cycle)
- ÄMAD04: Mathematics 4 (30 hp, First cycle)
- FHLN25: Fracture Mechanics, Advanced Course (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMEA35: Engineering Mechanics I (6 hp, First cycle)
- MMTN40: Metal Cutting, Advanced Course (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMTN45: Production Technology 2 (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MVKF25: Hydrogen, Batteries and Fuel Cells (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MVKN90: Turbulence - Theory and Modelling (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- TFRC75: Computer Aided Design (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- MSFM21: Hospital Physics (60 hp, Master's level courses)
- MEVN28: Biostatistics I (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MUHC81: Live-electronic Music (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- NGEA01: Introd to the Global Environment (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEA03: Remote Sensing for Landscape Studies (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEA09: Land Surface Processes and Landscape Dynamics (15 hp, First Cycle)
- FYSB21: Mathematical Methods for Vibrations, Waves and Diffusion (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- FYSN15: Experimental tools (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FYST15: Semiconductor Physics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FYST22/FAFN35: Medical Optics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle / Second cycle)
- FYST34: High Speed Devices (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FYST39: Nanoelectronics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FYST45: Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- ÄFYD04: Physics 4 (30 hp, First cycle)
- PSYK11: Bachelor Course (30 hp, First cycle)
- SIMM16: Introduction to Quantitative Methods (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- STAA30: Basic Course (30 hp, First cycle)
- STAA31: Basic Course 1 (15 hp, First cycle)
- STAG23: Regression Analysis (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- SVEA20: Level 2 (30 hp, First cycle)
- MAXM05: Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MAXM06: Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation Based Science (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MAXM07: Introduction to Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MAXM16: Experimental Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)