List in English
Course codes are links to either course pages in Lubas or syllabi at LTH.
Archaeology and Ancient History
- ARKN09: Digital Archaeology, GIS in Archaeology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- ARKN10: Digital Archaeology, Virtual Reality in Archaeology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- ARKN15: Field Archaeology in Theory and Practice (30 hp, Second Cycle)
- AADA25: Digital Tools 6 (2 hp, First cycle)
Partial small
Archival Science
- ABMA15: Physical and Digital Archives (15 hp, First cycle)
- ASTM22: Computational Astrophysics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- ASTM13: Dynamical Astronomy (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- ASTM21: Statistical Tools in Astrophysics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- ASTA33: Galaxies and Cosmology (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
- BIOS13: Modelling Biological Systems (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOR49: Molecular Genetics of Eukaryotes (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOR67: Fisheries Ecology (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- BIOS14: Processing and Analysis of Biological Data (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial small
Biomedical Engineering
- EEMN10: Computerised Measurement Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- BMEA05: Signals and Systems (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- BMEF25: Signal Processing - Theory and Applications (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- BMEN15: Signal Separation - Independent Components (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN60: Optimum and Adaptive Signal Processing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETIF20: E-health (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
Partial large
Partial small
Biotechnology / Chemical Engineering
- KFKF01: Molecular Driving Forces 2: Interactions and Dynamics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KFKN10: Biophysical Chemistry (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- KLGA01: Life Science Processes and Calculations (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- KLGN10: Chemometrics - Design of Experiments and Multivariate Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VVAN05: Urban Waters (15 hp, Second cycle)
- VVAN30: Urban Storm Water Management (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- BLTF01: Unit Operations in the Biotech and Food Industry (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTG55: Biochemistry (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KBKF10: Course in Synthetic Biology (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KETA10: Chemical Process Calculations (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- KETF40: Mass Transfer Processes in Environmental Engineering (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- KETN10: Applied Transport Phenomena (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- KFKA05: Molecular Driving Forces 1: Thermodynamics (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- KOKN01: Medicinal Chemistry (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- TFRP45: Medicinal Chemistry (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Partial small
- KEMM30: Molecular Driving Forces and Chemical Bonding (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM48: Statistical Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM58: Molecular Quantum Mechanics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM23: Advanced Biochemistry (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM25: Structural Biochemistry (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM57: Magnetic Resonance - Spectroscopy and Imaging (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- KEMM77: Advanced Surface and Colloid Chemistry (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- MOBA02: Chemistry of the Cell (15 hp, First Cycle)
- KEMC03: Experimental Protein Chemistry (15 hp, First Cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Civil Engineering
- VSMN20: Software Development for Technical Applications (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VSMN25: The Finite Element Method - Flow Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VSMN30: The Finite Element Method - Structural Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VSMN10: Structural Dynamic Computing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- AEBF20: Building Integrated Solar Energy Systems (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- AEBF25: Solar Heating Technology, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- AEBF30: Photovoltaic Systems, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VBFF15: Energy Conservation (8 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VTGN05: Groundwater Modelling and Contaminant Transport (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VTVN10: Traffic Simulation (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- AEBF10: Energy Use and Thermal Comfort in Buildings (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- AEBN10: Passive House - Integrating Thermal and Moisture Issues (15 hp, Second cycle)
- AEBN15: Energy-efficient Office Building - Integrating Daylight and Ventilation (15 hp, Second cycle)
- AEBN20: Public Building - Integrating Solar Energy, Costs and Environmental Issues (15 hp, Second cycle)
- VBEF45: Model Based Design (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VBFN01: Sustainable Building Technology (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VSMF05: Engineering Modelling: Analysis of Structures (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VSMN15: Integrated Design: Structural Design - Architectural Design (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VTTF10: Effects of Traffic: Accessibility, Level of Service, Safety and Environment (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VTTN10: Public Transport (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Cognitive Science
- KOGP05: Neuro Modelling, Cognitive Robotics and Agents (7.5 hp, Master's level courses)
- KOGP09: Theories and Models in Cognitive science (7.5 hp, Master's level courses)
Partial large
- NEKN82: Empirical Finance (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKN83: Financial Valuation and Risk Management (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKH81/EXTF35: Portfolio Selection (7.5 hp, First Cycle / First cycle, upper level)
- NEKH82/EXTF40: Option Theory (7.5 hp, First cycle / First cycle, upper level)
- NEKN31/EXTN05: Advanced Econometrics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle / Second cycle)
- NEKN33: Applied Microeconometrics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKN34: Time Series Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKN41: Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NEKP42: International Macroeconomic Theory (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Editing and Transcribing Premodern Texts
- HUXD01: Digital Tools, Methods and Resources (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
Partial small
Electrical Engineering
- EIEN35: Automation for Complex Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEN50: Automation (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN21: Project in Wireless Communication (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN65: Measurement and Modeling of the Central Nervous System Function (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEF20: Automation, Advanced Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EIEF40: Measurement Systems for Control (9 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EIEN15: Electric Power Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEN20: Design of Electrical Machines (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEN25: Power Electronics - Devices, Converters, Control and Applications (15 hp, Second cycle)
- EIEN45: Applied Mechatronics (10 hp, Second cycle)
- EITF35: Introduction to Structured VLSI Design (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EITN80: Electrodynamics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN90: Radar and Remote Sensing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETEN10: Antenna Technology (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETIN30: Integrated Radio Electronics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETIN45: DSP-design (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Engineering Nanoscience
- FMFF20: Mathematical Methods of Nanotechnology (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTN90: Experimental Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTN95: Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FAFA10: Physics - Quantum Phenomena and Nanotechnology (9 hp, First cycle)
- FAFF40: Waves and Optics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FAFF45: Physics for Biomedicine (8 hp, First cycle, upper level)
Partial small
Engineering Physics / Engineering Mathematics
- EXTQ40: Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN60: Real-Time Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN65: Modelling and Learning from Data (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTF01: Physiological Models and Computations (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTF20: Applied Robotics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTF25: Introduction to Machine Learning, Systems and Control (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTN45: Mathematical Modelling, Advanced Course (4.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN50: Optimization for Learning (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMFN15: Theory of Nuclear Structure (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTF10: Systems Engineering (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTN05: Non-Linear Control and Servo Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN25: Automatic Process Control (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN35: System Identification (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN40: Project in Automatic Control (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FAFN35/FYST22: Medical Optics (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMFF15: Quantum Mechanics and Mathematical Methods (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FRTN30: Network Dynamics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FRTN01: Real-Time Systems (10 hp, Second cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
- ENGM17: Corpus Linguistics - Tools, Methods and Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial large
Environmental Engineering
- EXTG11: Biological Modelling (4 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTQ20: Biological Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTG15: Biology, Introductory Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VVRN25: Pipe System Engineering and Hydraulics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMIN05: Environmental System Studies: Climate, Science and Politics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Environmental Science
- MVEN03: Methodology in Environmental Science (15 hp, Master's level courses)
Fire Protection Engineering / Risk Management
- VBRN85: Advanced CFD (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRN16: Simulation of Fires in Enclosures (5 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRF10: Fire Dynamics (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- VBRN05: Fire Dynamics - Advanced (9 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRN10: Human Behaviour in Fire (8 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRN75: Human Behaviour in Fire (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VBRN60: Fire Protection Systems (15 hp, Second cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
- FRAM14: Acquisition of French (7.5 hp, Master's level courses)
Partial small
- GISN04: Open Source GIS (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN06: Geographical Databases (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN09: Internet GIS (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN24: Python Programming in GIS (5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN26: GIS and Distributed Hydrological Modelling (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISA22: Geographical Information Systems - Advanced Course (15 hp, First Cycle)
- GISN07: GIS and Algorithms (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN22: GIS and Climate Change (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISN25: Spatial Data Infrastructure (5 hp, Second Cycle)
- GISA21: Geographical Information Systems - Introduction (15 hp, First Cycle)
- SGEG20: Geographical Information System for the Social Sciences - Introduction with Applications (30 hp, First cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
- GEOP06: Hydrogeology (15 hp, Master's level courses)
Partial large
Human Geography
- SGEG16: GIS in Social Sciences - Basic Level (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- SGEL64: GIS in Urban and Regional Planning - Level 1 (7.5 hp, First cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Industrial Design
- TFRD30: Apps, Pictures and e-Tools in Healthcare, Schools and Social Services (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TNSN01: Service Robotics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Partial large
Industrial Engineering and Management
- MION40: Simulation of Industrial Processes and Logistic Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MIOF30: Operations Research - Basic Course (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTA60: Statistics (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EXTF35/NEKH81: Portfolio Selection (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level / First Cycle)
- EXTF40/NEKH82: Option Theory (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level / First cycle)
- EXTG65: Econometrics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTN05/NEKN31: Advanced Econometrics (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- EXTQ30: Economics, Empirical Finance (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MION01: Management of Production and Inventory Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MIOF10: Production and Inventory Control (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
Partial large
Partial small
- INFC20: Advanced Database Systems (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFC55: Web Development (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- SYSA21: Introduction to Information Systems (30 hp, First cycle)
- INFA40: Digitalisation and AI from an Organisational and Societal Perspective (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- INFA44: Introduction to E-health (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFC25: Human - Computer Interaction, Analysis (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFC35: Decision Support Systems (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- INFN45: Business Intelligence (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- INFN65: Business and Artificial Intelligence (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- SYSA14: IT Architecture and Software Systems (30 hp, First cycle)
- INFC65: Information Architecture (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Informatics/Computer and Systems Sciences
- INFC60: IS Sourcing Strategies for Business Development (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
Partial small
Information Systems
- INFN50: Business Decision Management (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- SYSB13: IS and Business Development (30 hp, First cycle)
- INFN60: Designing Digitalisation (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial small
Information and Communication Engineering / Computer Science and Engineering
- EDAA01: Programming - Second Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA10: Computer Programming in Java (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA20: Programming and Databases (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA30: Programming in Java - Second Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA45: Introduction to Programming (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA50: Programming, First Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA55: Programming, First Course (9 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA65: Programming, First Course (6 hp, First cycle)
- EDAA70: Introduction to Programming Using Python (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- EDAF20: Database Technology (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF25: Object-oriented Modelling and Design (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF30: Programming in C++ (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF50: C++ Programming (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF75: Database Technology (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF80: Computer Graphics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF95: Basics of Functional Programming (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAG01: Efficient C (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAG05: Agile Software Development - Project (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAN01: Constraint Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN26: Multicore Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN35: High Performance Computer Graphics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN40: Functional Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN95: Applied Machine Learning (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP01: Artificial Intelligence (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP10: Concurrent Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP20: Intelligent Autonomous Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP25: Distributed Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITN95: Simulation (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETSA03: Software Engineering - Methodology (6 hp, First cycle)
- TFRD48: Introduction to Programming (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TFRD49: Programming - Second Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TFRD55: Introduction to Programming Using Python (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TFRG65: Programming and Databases (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- TFRG70: Efficient C (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- TFRP20: Artificial Intelligence (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAA60: Computer Introduction (3 hp, First cycle)
- EDAF05: Algorithms, Data Structures and Complexity (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF35: Operating Systems (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF45: Software Development in Teams - Project (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF60: Object-oriented Modelling and Design (4.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAN10: Configuration Management (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN15: Design of Embedded Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN20: Language Technology (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN65: Compilers (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAN75: Optimising Compilers (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP05: Concepts of Programming Languages (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAP15: Program Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITP20: Secure Systems Engineering (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EITP25: Memory Technology for Machine Learning (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETSF20: Software Development for Large Projects (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MAMN10: Interaction 1: Neuro Modelling, Cognitive Robotics and Agents (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EDAF85: Real-Time Systems (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EDAF90: Web Programming (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EITF95: Queuing System (4.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EITN50: Advanced Computer Security (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETSN05: Software Development for Large Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- ETSN20: Software Testing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MAMN01: Advanced Interaction Design (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MAMN15: Interaction 2: Virtuality and Cognitive Modelling (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MAMN35: Risk Analysis Methods for Health and Environment (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Law and Legal Studies
Partial small
- LINC13: Perspectives on Segmental and Prosodic Phonology (7.5 hp, First cycle)
Mathematical Statistics
- FMSN20/MASM25: Spatial Statistics with Image Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN30/MASM22: Linear and Logistic Regression (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN35: Stationary and Non-stationary Spectral Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMSN40: Linear and Logistic Regression with Data Gathering (9 hp, Second cycle)
- FMSN45/MASM17: Time Series Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN50/MASM11: Monte Carlo Methods for Statistical Inference (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSF60: Statistical Methods for Safety Analysis (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSN15/MASM23: Statistical Modelling of Multivariate Extreme Values (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN25/MASM24: Valuation of Derivative Assets (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSN55/MASM15: Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values (7.5 hp, Second cycle / Second Cycle)
- FMSF10/MASC04: Stationary Stochastic Processes (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level / First Cycle)
- FMSF15/MASC03: Markov Processes (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level / First Cycle)
- FMSF20: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF30: Mathematical Statistics (5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF50: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF55: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF70: Mathematical Statistics (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF75: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMSF80: Mathematical Statistics, Basic Course (9 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MASA02: Basic Course (15 hp, First Cycle)
- MASB02: Mathematical Statistics for Chemists (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- MASB03: Mathematical Statistics for Physicists (9 hp, First cycle)
- MASB11: Biostatistics - Basic Course (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- MASC05: Design of Experiments (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
- FMAF35: Linear and Combinatorial Optimization (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMAN20: Image Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMAN60: Optimization (6 hp, Second cycle)
- MATC20: Image Analysis (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MATC51: Optimization (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MATM20: Mathematical Modeling (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FMAB40: Mathematical Modelling (4 hp, First cycle)
- FMAN01: Biomathematics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMAN30: Medical Image Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMAN55: Applied Mathematics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMAN70: Matrix Theory (6 hp, Second cycle)
- MATB25: Discrete Mathematics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MATC70: Matrix Theory (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- FMAA20: Linear Algebra with Introduction to Computer Tools (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- FMAF01: Mathematics - Analytic Functions (7 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMAF05: Mathematics - Systems and Transforms (7 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MATB21: Analysis in Several Variables 1 (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- MATC12: Ordinary Differential Equations 1 (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- ÄMAD01: Mathematics with Didactics 1 (30 hp, First cycle)
- ÄMAD03: Mathematics with Didactics 3 (15 hp, First cycle)
- ÄMAD04: Mathematics 4 (30 hp, First cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Mechanical Engineering
- FHLN05: Computational Inelasticity (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMTN35: Applied FEM - Project (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMVN05: Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MVKN70: Advanced Methods within Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FHLF01: Finite Element Method (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FHLF10: Finite Element Method and Introduction to Strength of Materials (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FHLF20: Finite Element Method (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FHLN20: Finite Element Method for Non-linear Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMKN46: Computer Based Engineering, Design Analysis 1 (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMKN51: Computer Based Engineering, Design Analysis 2 (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FHLN01: Structural Optimization (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMEA30: Engineering Mechanics (15 hp, First cycle)
- FMEN02: Multibody Dynamics (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMEN11: Mechanical Vibrations (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMKF25: Surface Modelling, Rendering and 3D (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MVKN01: Projecting Thermal Power Plants (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MVKN55: Advanced Combustion Engine Concepts (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FHLN25: Fracture Mechanics, Advanced Course (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMEA35: Engineering Mechanics I (6 hp, First cycle)
- MMTN40: Metal Cutting, Advanced Course (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MMTN45: Production Technology 2 (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- MVKF25: Hydrogen, Batteries and Fuel Cells (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- MVKN90: Turbulence - Theory and Modelling (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- TFRC75: Computer Aided Design (7.5 hp, First cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Media History
- MHIA25: Digital History - Media and Methods in Theory and Practice (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
Partial small
Medical Radiation Physics
- MSFM21: Hospital Physics (60 hp, Master's level courses)
Medical Science
- MEVN40: E-Health - A Way to Support Public Health (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial small
Medical Sciences
- MEVN28: Biostatistics I (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
Modern Greek
- NYGM16: Corpus Linguistics in Modern Greek (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial large
- MUHC81: Live-electronic Music (7.5 hp, First cycle)
Numerical Analysis
- FMNF05: Numerical Analysis (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMNF10: Numerical Analysis (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMNF15: Scientific Computing (6 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- FMNN01: Numerical Linear Algebra (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNN05: Simulation Tools (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNN10: Numerical Methods for Differential Equations (8 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNN25: Advanced Course in Numerical Algorithms with Python/SciPy (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- FMNN30: Iterative Solution of Large Scale Systems in Scientific Computing (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- NUMA01: Computational Programming with Python (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- NUMB11: Numerical Linear Algebra (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- NUMN20: Numerical Methods for Differential Equations (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN21: Advanced Course in Numerical Algorithms with Python/SciPy (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN24: Finite Volume Methods (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN26: Simulation Tools (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN27: Seminar (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMN19: Numerical Approximation (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NUMA41: Basic Course (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Other Subjects within Social Science
- SIMS40: AI in Society (15 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial small
Physical Geography
- NGEN02: Ecosystem Modeling (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN12: Geographical Databases (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN13: Programming for Applications in Geomatics, Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEA11: Geographical Information Systems - Basic Course (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEA12: Geographical Information Systems - Advanced Course (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEN01: Climate Change and its Impacts on the Environment (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEA05: Remote Sensing and GIS with Focus on the Environment (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEN08: Satellite Remote Sensing (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN11: Spatial Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN14: Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN16: Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions (15 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN17: Global Ecosystem Dynamics (15 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis
- NGEN06: Algorithms in Geographical Information Systems (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEN07: Web GIS (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- NGEA07: Theory and Methods of Physical Geography (15 hp, First Cycle)
- NGEA25: Dynamic Meteorology 2 (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
- MNXB01: Introduction to Programming and Computing for Scientists (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- FYSB11: Basic Quantum Mechanics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- FYSC13: Solid State Physics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- FYST30: Quantum information (7.5 hp, Master's level courses)
- FYSB21: Mathematical Methods for Vibrations, Waves and Diffusion (7.5 hp, First cycle)
- FYSN15: Experimental tools (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FYST15: Semiconductor Physics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FYST22/FAFN35: Medical Optics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle / Second cycle)
- FYST34: High Speed Devices (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FYST39: Nanoelectronics (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- FYST45: Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- ÄFYD04: Physics 4 (30 hp, First cycle)
Partial small
- PSYK11: Bachelor Course (30 hp, First cycle)
Social Sciences
- SIMM32: Quantitative Methods - Multivariate Analysis (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- SIMM16: Introduction to Quantitative Methods (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
Partial small
- STAE02: Bayesian Methods (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- STAE03: Business Analytics (7.5 hp, First Cycle)
- STAN45: Data Mining and Visualization (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- STAN47: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Methods (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- STAH14: Time Series Analysis (7.5 hp, First cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Strategic Communication
- KOMC30: AI, Cognition and Culture (15 hp, First Cycle)
Partial large
- EXTG20: Geographic Information Technology - Introduction (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTN70: Geographical Databases (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTP40: GIT Project with Python Programming (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTF80: Geographic Information Technology (12 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTG25: Geographic Information Technology - Advanced Course (15 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTG30: Geographic Information Technology - Basic Course (15 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTG75: GIS for Built and Natural Environments (7.5 hp, First cycle, upper level)
- EXTN10: Web GIS (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTN75: Spatial Analysis (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- EXTQ05: Algorithms in Geographical Information Systems (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
- VFTN75: Smart City Governance: AI Ethics in a Spatial Context (7.5 hp, Second cycle)
Partial large
Partial small
Swedish Language
- SVEA20: Level 2 (30 hp, First cycle)
Synchrotron Radiation Based Science
- MAXM05: Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MAXM06: Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation Based Science (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MAXM07: Introduction to Accelerators and Free Electron Lasers (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)
- MAXM16: Experimental Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research (7.5 hp, Second Cycle)